
Fees Paid by Users

The amount of (gas) fees that users paid in order to use the chain. We think that this is one of the most important metrics for a Layer 2. If people are willing to pay more for a certain Layer 2 that means that this Layer 2 has more to offer in terms of applications or security. This metric is also often referred to as a Layer 2's revenue.

  • Arbitrum: Gas usage * gas price * ETH price of all transactions but we exclude transactions that have an L2 gas price of 0 (which are internal system transactions).

  • Ethereum: Gas usage * gas price * ETH price of all transactions.

  • Linea: Gas usage * gas price * ETH price of all transactions.

  • Loopring: TBD

  • ImmutableX: Users only pay fees to the protocol when they buy or sell NFTs. Usually, 1% of buy and sell orders go to the protocol. The sum of these protocol fees is our fees paid metric (marketplace fees not included because they don't go to the protocol).

  • Mantle: Gas usage * gas price * MNT price of all transactions.

  • OP chains (OP Mainnet, Base, Zora, PGN): L1 fee + gas usage * gas price * ETH price of all transactions but we exclude transactions that have an L2 gas price of 0 (which are internal system transactions).

  • Polygon zkEVM: Gas usage * gas price * ETH price of all transactions.

  • Scroll: Gas usage * gas price * ETH price of all transactions.

  • zkSync Era: Gas usage * effective gas price * ETH price.

Rent Paid to L1

The gas fees paid by L2s to post transaction data & verification states onto Ethereum. We query Ethereum mainnet (full query: https://dune.com/queries/2986216) and use a Dune spell (thanks https://twitter.com/0xKofi).

Onchain Profit

Profit = Fees paid by users - Rent paid to L1.

Last updated