🧰OP Stack

A concise summary of what OP Stack is and why developers choose it.

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Concise Summary

The OP Stack is like the ultimate toolkit for L2 blockchain creation, masterfully crafted by the Optimism Collective. Think of it as a curated set of software tools 🧰, each handpicked and maintained by the experts at the Optimism Collective. Some tools lay the foundation, while others seamlessly integrate as modules 🧩.

In essence, the OP Stack brings the concept of modular blockchains to life πŸ’‘. It's all about providing developers with a ready-made platform, eliminating the need to start entirely from square one. It's innovation made easy! ✨

Why are developers choosing OP Stack?

In essence, the OP Stack brings the concept of modular blockchains to life πŸ’‘. It's all about providing developers with a ready-made platform, eliminating the need to start entirely from square one.

In the OP stack, there are three primary layers:

  1. Consensus 🀝: This layer encompasses Data Availability and Derivation.

  2. Execution πŸ”„

  3. Settlement πŸ’Ό

Each of these layers functions as an API, offering flexibility and customization. As long as you align with the APIs, the sky's the limit for what you can build!

Let's break down OP Stack further:

Here I will provide a short explanation of each layer accompanied by a mathematical representation, for better learning.

  • Data Availability Layer: Think of this as a storage unit, holding an array of bytes.

    type DA = bytes[]
  • Derivation Function: This function takes in the previous state and the data from the availability layer. Depending on the input, it either produces a payload or returns nothing.

    derive(previous State, DA) β‡’ {Payload or null}
  • Execution Function: Acting on the payload generated by the derivation function, this function processes the previous state to produce a new state.

    execute(previous State, payload) β‡’ boolean (0 or 1)
  • Validity Function: The final check! This function ensures the new state is valid, considering all other functions.

    valid(previous State, new State, DA, derive, execute)

The OP Stack marks the initial stage in the rapid growth of highly compatible Layer-2s and Layer-3s, collectively referred to as op-chains within Optimism's ecosystem.

As we look ahead, the boundaries between op-chains will dissolve, giving rise to a unified Superchain. This Superchain will seamlessly integrate multiple op-chains, allowing for the shared utilization of collective resources.

Deeper look

For more in-depth however concise explanation of OP Stack check this Youtube, it is fun to watch!


Here you get quick access to the most important pieces of docs and articles, curated for devs.

This guide is meant to help you kick off your OP Stack journey by taking you through the process of spinning up your very own OP Stack chain on the Ethereum Goerli testnet.

Use the material to

  • Perform tests and prepare for the superchain.

  • Modify it to adapt it to your own needs.

Modifying your chain with significantly different parameters may make it incompatible with the superchain in the future

What to expect?
  • Install dependencies

  • Build the source code

  • Generate and fund accounts and private keys

  • Configure your network

  • Deploy the L1 contracts

  • Initialize op-geth

  • Run op-geth

  • Run op-node

  • Get some Goerli ETH on your L2

  • Send some test transactions

Estimated time of guide completion: 2 hours

Last updated